

Tetsugaku-no-mich(Philosopher's Path)

哲学の道 vol17 グラビア

A walk road where you can feel nature

A 2 km promenade along Lake Biwa Canal that connects Ginkaku-ji and Nanzen-ji. It is said that the street was named after the philosopher and Kyoto University professor Ikutaro NISHIDA, who walked this street every morning to be lost in thought. The cherry blossoms and autumn leaves along the canal are among the most beautiful in Kyoto. It was selected as one of the 100 best roads in Japan in 1987.

Tetsugaku-no-mich(Philosopher's Path)

North end: 5 minutes' walk from Ginkakuji-michi City Bus Stop , or South end: 5 minutes' walk from Nanzenji-Eikando-michi City Bus Stop

Free walkng