

Yasaka Shrine

八坂神社 vol18 グラビア

A shrine in a Hanamachi known as "Gion san."

It is an ancient shrine said to have been founded in 656, the second year of Emperor Saimei's reign, and is the head shrine of all Gion shrines in Japan. It is known for the blessings of warding off evil, good luck and good business, and is one of the busiest New Year's visits in Kyoto every year. The Gion Festival, one of the three major festivals in Japan, is a festival of Yasaka Shrine.
The photograph shows the west tower gate at the east end of Shijo-dori Street. It's a symbol of Gion.

Yasaka Shrine



625 Gion-Machikita, Higashiyama-ku

A short walk from Gion, the city bus stop

free to stroll

WEBSITE : https://www.yasaka-jinja.or.jp/