

Chiran Samurai Residence Garden

知覧武家屋敷庭園 vol.9

Imagine that you walk through stone walls and hedge stretch, traveling into the Edo period.

Seven enriched worlds formed by stones and hedges

Chiran Samurai Residence Gardens were built in the 17th to 18th century, which was registered as a National Cultural Heritage Site. The Okinawa-style folding rocks and the landscapes,are skillfully assembled to appreciate the beauty of each gardens.

知覧武家屋敷庭園 vol.9

Chiran Samurai Residence Garden



13731-1 Kori, Chiran-cho, Minami-Kyushu City

Access:<Car>50 minutes drive from Kagoshima city via Chiran interchange exit / <Bus>Approximately 75 minutes by Kagoshima Kotsu Bus from Kinsei-cho or Kagoshima Chuo Station East#16 Bus Stop to Chiran. Get off at "Bukeyashiki Iriguchi-mae" bus stop.

Business hour:9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Closing dates : Open all year round

WEBSITE : http://chiran-bukeyashiki.com/

Entrance fee:Adults 530 yen/Children 320