

The Osaka Museum of Housing and Living

大阪くらしの今昔館 vol.11【特集3】美術館

From the Edo period to modern times, learn more about life in Osaka

A museum dedicated to "living, history and culture." The building is divided into two floors: the 9F, which is a life-size reproduction of the streets of the Edo period, and the 8F, which is a representation of the towns of the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa periods with models, video theater and documents. On the 9th floor, a full-size reconstruction of the Edo period townscape of Osaka is displayed. Visitors can freely walk and photograph the faithfully reproduced machiya (traditional townhouse) and tenement houses, and get a first-hand feel of life in Osaka during the Edo period. At the "Modern Osaka Panorama Tour" on the 8th floor, living and living in modern Osaka are displayed with models, images and materials. You can walk around freely.
The photo shows a full-size reconstruction of the Edo period townscape of Osaka (9F).

大阪くらしの今昔館 vol.11【特集3】美術館

The Osaka Museum of Housing and Living



8th floor, Housing Information Center Building, 6-4-20 Tenjinbashi, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi

Direct connection to Osaka Metro / Hankyu Tenjinbashisuji-Rokuchome Station Exit 3

10am-5pm (last entry 4.30pm)
Admission: Adults 600 yen, high school/university students 300 yen
Parking lots: 40cars (paid)

Closing dates : Tuesdays, New Year holidays (Temporary closure during exhibition exchange period)

WEBSITE : https://www.osaka-angenet.jp/konjyakukan/